Precious Sunlight

Whenever I see an empty balcony, devoid of plants, or a plot of land lying waste or overgrown with nothing but grasses, I can’t help but feel how such precious sunlight is wasted on those places where there is no one to grow a plant or two. I positively feel depressed some times seeing such beautiful golden sunshine falling on […]


Indian Rosewood – Dalbergia sissoo It’s a pleasant tree to look at because of the colour of its leaf – lime green or leaf green. Standing under its boughs with golden sunlight dappling through its leaves that gently wave in cool evening breeze – it is a sight for sore eyes. It’s a very common Indian tree but being common […]

Polka Dot is Flowering!

The houseplants bloom rarely. So when I saw these small white flowers in my white Polka Dot plant, I was elated. I looked up about it on Google. In most of the pages, it mentions that polka dot has light purple blooms, but mine is solid white. Another thing that I found out turned my happiness to sadness – it […]

Another houseplants adventure

I am not sure why I didn’t decide to have houseplants in my hometown earlier when I have had a beautiful south-facing window in my bedroom. I suppose it was due to uncertainty of how long we would be staying here and when we would be going back to our work city. It’s still uncertain but at least now I […]